Total 251 Results.
[Understanding Your Body] SkinWatch: [Understanding Your Body] Skin⭐English subtitles available⭐Which organ is the first to protect our body from the outside world?Many people often think of white blood cells...
[Understanding Your Body] MouthWatch: [Understanding Your Body] Mouth⭐English subtitles available⭐From birth to adulthood, individuals go through several stages of personality development.The very first stage ...
Digital Therapeutic ‘VIVID Brain’ Now Available for Stroke-Related Visual Impairments▲ Professor Dong-Wha KangAsan Medical Center has recently started officially prescribing the digital therapeutic, VIVID Brain, for patients who have visual impairment caused by st...
[Understanding Your Body] NoseWatch: [Understanding Your Body] Nose⭐English subtitles available⭐The nose, located in the center of the face, allows us to breathe and smell.However, when catching a cold with r...
Heart Stent Patients May Safely Discontinue Aspirin Before Non-Cardiac Surgeries▲ Professor Jung-Min Ahn is consulting a patient who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).During apercutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), aspirin is taken to preve...
[Understanding Your Body] Small IntestineWatch: [Understanding Your Body] Small Intestine⭐English subtitles available⭐When people feel bloated and uncomfortable, they often say, Im having indigestion,suspecting somethin...
Begins Full-Scale Introduction of Innovative Prostate Cancer Treatment 'Pluvicto'▲ The medical staff at the Theranostics Center of AMC Cancer Institute prepare radiopharmaceuticals for patient administration.The Theranostics Center of AMC Cancer Institute will...
Ranula, Treating Within 1 Year of Onset Significantly Lowers Recurrence Rate▲ Professor Jeong Hyun Lee is performing ethanol ablation on a patient with a ranula.Ranula is a cyst that forms under the tongue or jaw, resulting from a blocked salivary gland t...
[Understanding Your Body] BreastsWatch: [Understanding Your Body] Breasts⭐English subtitles available⭐Due to various factors includingthe westernization of diets, excessive stress, and hormonal imbalances,the in...
Early ECMO Implementation During CPR Increases Survival Rates▲ (from the left) Professors Sang-Wook Lee and Professor Ji-Hoon SimEven if cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is continuously performed on a patient in cardiac arrest, the likel...